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What is important to you? How do you integrate this into your life?

Let me support you on your way to more


Hi, I'm Niklas. Trained Systemic Coach, Hypnosis Practitioner, certified Heroic© Coach and trauma therapist in training.


Clarity and living in integrity with this clarity are for me the way to a self-determined and fulfilled life. This realization has taken some time to solidify in my private life and has grown especially in shared experiences with friends and clients and has become an integral part of my reality.

As an entrepreneur and management consultant, I have experienced the direct impact of a lack of clarity and integrity in organizations and have learned my lesson.

In the individual as well as in the collective, intensive reflection and a conscious design and implementation of healthy processes, relationships and structures are needed.



Let's see together how you can land right there. In a strong sense of clarity. Coupled with the power of the ability to take your next steps.



In addition to being a coach & consultant I am also a vegetable gardener, a musician, a member of a living community, and a passionate learner.

Why am I sharing this? In my perception, for a coach and client to work well together, there needs to be a good connection. If there's more you want to know click here.

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Über mich

Was Klient*innen über meine Arbeit sagen

"Niklas ist ein sehr einfühlsamer kompetenter Begleiter, der mit großer Wertschätzung und großem Einsatz dabei ist. Er wertet nicht, sondern schafft einen liebevollen Raum, in dem es mir möglich ist, meine überwältigende Scham und andere Schattenseiten zu zeigen. Ich habe große Schwierigkeiten zu vertrauen und mich zu zeigen und mit ihm lerne ich gerade, wie das möglich sein kann.” - Sven, 32

"Die Räume mit Niklas erlebe ich als mega spacious, warm und gleichzeitig sehr klar. Sie haben mir an Stellen wo ich innerlich ins Schleudern komme sehr geholfen an meine innere Weisheit anzudocken. Niklas erlebe ich als sehr wach, neugierig, unaufgeregt und sehr offen für was sich zeigen möchte - die Mischung kreiert für mich einen sehr kraftvollen Raum :)" -

David, 30

My offer for you

Free initial consultation

via video call

25 minutes

Let's find out together

where you are right now and how and where support would do you good.

coaching session

via video call

50 minutes


You decide on the exact price according to your financial possibilities and the perceived value of the session

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